fredag 6 september 2013

Victory in Ö till Ö ( mixed class)

“In the Mixed competition Team Freddan & Ankan (Fredrik Selmered and Annika Ericsson) showed that they were worthy winners, crushing previous course records as well - 10h 33 min and 15th overall.”  - Ö till Ö 2013–The Swimrun Worldchampionchip  "Ranked as one of the toughest endurance races in the world"– by - December 2012 , cited from

--Yes, we did it. We had an amazing day. Almost everything worked well from the start to the finish.
Winning this race was just in my dreams. I still believe it is a dream... This is a race that is both brutal with its cold water and bad terrain to run on but also so beautiful with all its fantastic unique islands. I can hardly believe that we beat some of the strongest teams in the sport.
We finished in 10hours and 33 min  (see (our finishing time was 40min under the previous course record for mixed teams). (We got 15th place in total with just 14 mens teams in front of us out of a total of 116 teams).

Thanks everyone who cheered on us at the course or at home, especially my wife and kids (in front of the computers following the race live), to the fantastic organization of Lemmel, Andersson and all volunteers helping at all energy stations.


( Pictures by Nadja Odenhage and Jakob Edholm from the ö till ö organisation)

fredag 30 augusti 2013

Snart ö till ö

Ö till ö närmar sig med stormsteg, på måndag den 2september, ska vi simma och springa 75 km.
Jag ser fram emot och få vara där ute och få kämpa i vågorna och springa på de underbara öarna. En underbar dag kommer det förhoppningsvis bli. Undrar om det är några öbor som dukar upp kaffe, kakor, ostbågar och chips i år också... Förra året var det himla uppskattat.
Att få godis på energistationen på Kymmendö var riktigt kul. Tyvärr tryckte jag in lite för mycket saltlakrits i munnen och hade det i munnen hela simningen över till Ornö. Var minst sagt irriterande...
I år blir det ny utrustning som känns bättre och snabbare framförallt och nu är vi mer vana så det ska bli kul och se hur det går.
Enda orosmomentet är att det här loppet alltid går 2veckor efter skolstart, vilket gör att förkylningarna omringar en lagom till tävlingen. Min minsting snorar som värst nu så det är inte å kul.
I år är det många internationella lag så det kan bli tufft men en rolig dag blir det.
Njut och ha kul är mitt motto iallafall.

fredag 9 augusti 2013

Background of the Team


Annika is a former swimmer, and has competed in triathlon for two years now. She got a nice 1th place at the Swedish National Longdistance Championship in Triathlon in her agegroup this year. 
She has improved her running quite a lot this year, and did her first couple of swimrun competitions last year with her first Ö till Ö race/finish.

Fredrik is a former baskeball player from an age of 8 until he was around 18.
He started learn swimming in 1993 and found his passion for triathlon the same year. Two years later he competed in his first Ironman in Kalmar and was stuck in the sport after that. He has competed in 150 triathlon races with 12 Ironmans (both international and national). The last two years he has mostly focused on swimrun races since his two young daughters takes a lot of time.

Two Ö till Ö races/finishes. 
12 th place in Amfibiemannen 2013 with another Fredrik (2x Freddan).

Accomplishments by the Team (Mixed category)

1th place Utö swimrun in May 2013 (30km of trailrunning and 3 km of swimming)
4th place Ö till Ö 2012 (65km of trialrunning and 10km of swimming between 19 islands)
2nd place Ångaloppet 2012 (20 km of trailrunning  and 2 km swim in total (25 swims))

torsdag 8 augusti 2013


Lots of good international teams will race this year in Ö till Ö, Sept 2. It will be a fast and though race again.

We have trained quite well but not raced much together, but hopefully it will be enough to have a good and nice enjoyable race.

We will have new special equipment this year, but nothing I will inform you about...

( Photo above from the finish in Utö swimrun in May.)

lördag 3 augusti 2013

Strength and weakness

What's the strength of the team?
Probably that we are good at keeping a steady speed. 
Annika is a strong swimmer and I am a quite good runner.
Using these strengths as much as possible is important or is something we will focus to use as much as possible during the race in September. 

How has the season of 2013 gone so far?
- The utö swimrun win in the mixed category was great.
- We have not competed much more this year. 
- Fredrik has competed in a couple of individual Swimruns at Hellasgården. He finished 6th, 3rd and 7th and got a 6th place in Stockholm Royal Park Aquathlon (5km+21km).
12th place in Amfibiemannen together with Fredrik Johansson.
Hosjö triathlon 8th place.
-Annika competed in the Swedish long distance Triathlon and was first of the ladies up of the 4km swim in 1h 00min. She finished first in her age group. She also competed in her first Ironman Kalmar and was third up of the water in 56 min of the women. She finished in a great time of 11.39.

What's the funnies with these races?
To have the ability to run on and swim between these amazingly beautiful islands and meet all these nice people that also love this sport.

måndag 27 maj 2013

Winners in Utöswimrun (mixed team)

First place finish at Utö swimrun


What an amazing day it was! We took our first victory around the beautiful island of Utö. 
It was great weather, the sun was shining and it was pretty cold in the water, around 9 degrees. The race was on a distance of 30 km of running and 3 km of swimming (divided into about 10 swims and 12 runs). We entered this race to get a nice training day as preparation for the big race "ö till ö "in September. We had not got time to train together more than once so it was a bit interesting to see how it would go. Lots of people had entered because they wanted to get a qualifying spot for "ö till ö", but we already had qualified to "ö till ö" thanks to our fourth place finish in it last year. So this race would just be a fun one, good for training and testing new equipment from Camaro.

When the starting gun went off we held a calm easy pace at the end of the 50 teams pack.
1350m of running went easy and then we went into the water for the first short swim and it was really cold so we passed lots of teams. Already after the 3rd island we were at top 11 of all teams. We passed through some  wonderful small islands with some forest or just rocks and sand. The water temperature changed from warmer to colder around the island. When we entered the forest of "Norrskog" at Ålö (the island just south of Utö) the temperature in the air was around 20 degrees. It was just 2.9km but right into the deep forest without trails and lots of hills which made it hard. Running with whole wetsuits in over 30 minutes in 20 degrees heat is pretty hard so we really looked forward of entering the cold water again. 

We reached Båtshaket for the first sprint prize and felt quite relaxed. The rest of the southern island along the shore of Ålö has a bit more rocks so it went a bit slower. The swim over to Storsand was beautiful and we prepared for the longer run. It was an 11km run (or with a cooldown 50m swim after 5km). Two more small islands was passed and when we entered the last swim we had a 10th place, but saw 4 teams ahead halfway to the other side. When we came up at the other side we passed 3 teams that was sitting cramping on the beach. It was a bit strange how much problems lots of teams got just on the last swim, but it must have been about 7-8 degrees there.
I did not feel my feet either at the end of that swim but I was not cramping and Annika did not seem to have any problems. Anyway we run the last 950m up the hill and finished 7th overall.

Winning this race in the mixed team was great and to become 7th overall was far above our expectations. 
The best of it all was to experience all these beautiful parts around the island Utö and Ålö, with wild trail running, free running over minor “mountains”, along the shore and on white beaches, through typical swedish archipelago houses and pastures, swimming in cold and super clear water.

All the spectators were fantastic cheering us on through the whole race! And eventually big thanks to, Micke and Mats (together with Mats, Jesper and Anders) that did a fabulous work to organise another fantastic race.


-What was the toughest with this race? 
F: To get the camera very close to your face when you just reached the finishline. No just kidding, the heat on the part of Norrskog.

Picture above: Annika, me, Staffan and Jonas(Winners in Mens team)